What Plantar Fasciitis Can Feel Like?
Apart from the obvious, there are a few common traits we see with heel pain. There will be pain under the heel or just in front of the heel is a common symptom. You might notice it when the heel hits the ground or when the heel comes off the floor. It can range from a sharp stabbing feeling to an ache and everything in between.
You might notice it’s worse when you get out of bed in the morning or after you have been sitting at your desk or getting out of the car. This is a very common symptom and helps us out a lot getting to the right diagnosis.
What Can Cause Plantar Fasciitis?
The cause can be multifactorial. Sudden increases in your walking, running or activity is a common cause as well as the types of footwear you might be wearing. Have you rolled your ankle lately? That can often lead to heel pain. Other causes can be stress, medical conditions, medications and body weight.
How Do I Get Rid Of Plantar Fasciitis?
See a Podiatrist to start with. Getting an accurate diagnosis is key as it is not always the fascia that is the cause.
There are numerous ways a Podiatrist can help you out. Ranging from manual therapy, exercise prescription, orthoses, Shockwave Therapy, footwear and others. The key is to follow the treatment plan.
How Long Does It Take Heal?
Heel pain and Plantar Fasciitis can be a difficult injury to manage for some patients. Research has shown that it can last for up to several years in some cases. However, 2 big factors that can determine how long you experience the symptoms. They are seeking treatment early after the onset of symptoms and sticking to the treatment plan.
Not all treatment options work for everyone the same way, so altering management is often needed to get the best outcomes.
Pain first thing in the morning? We can help